
Common Motherboard Problem

by Perfect Tech Reviewers

A computer’s motherboard performs multiple functions and is considered a critical component of the system. It can pull off everything, and a problem can crash an entire system. Some common problems you can face with the motherboard are discussed below. Please read the details so you can identify and find solutions to them.

I am sure the information in the article will be useful if you aren’t good with electrical repairs. You can be extra careful and avoid such mistakes in the future.

A motherboard is considered the brain of the computer system and pulls off everything. It connects multiple components but sometimes can be complicated to deal with. People without any idea about electronic repairs find motherboard problems very difficult. Some of these common problems mentioned below will help you identify the issues with your computer’s motherboard.


The most common issue with your motherboard can be power. It uses multiple cables to function properly; if you miss out on any of them, the motherboard won’t work. The common mistake or negligence can be plugging in only one of the cables. A motherboard uses two power cables to get the required amount of power. If you leave out any of them, you will see a green light, but the motherboard won’t work.

The eight-to-four connector or cable is hidden under the components, so people miss plugging it in. In comparison, the 20 to the 24-pin connector is plugged in, making everyone think the motherboard is on and working. Please ensure all the cables are plugged in in the right places. The correctly matched cables will ensure your computer’s motherboard works perfectly.

Short Circuit

Multiple electric components on the motherboard are used to store energy. The capacitors or connectors transfer power from one place to another. In most systems, the motherboard is located away from the PC case to maintain a distance from the metal components. This will reduce the risk of short circuits between the components.

The connectors or the capacitors can get damaged in case of a short circuit. As a result, the entire motherboard can crash, and the system will collapse. Hence your motherboard must have a reasonable distance from the PC case, so it does not come in contact with the metallic components. This will prevent the chances of short circuits between the components.

Moreover, the cables should be properly covered with plastic or rubber. Even if you still have doubts, you can remove the PC and build it again on your desktop. This will keep the PC case and the motherboard separate, and then the reason for the short circuit can be determined without any problem. This can be complicated but helps identify the reason.

Common Motherboard Problem

Over Heating

Overheating can cause many problems and eventually crash the system. The same is the case when it comes to motherboards. Overheating will slow the operation and eventually crash the entire system. If you feel like the motherboard’s components are getting heated, replace them as soon as possible.

A single component can heat the others as well, resulting in greater damage. If you experience that the motherboard is overheating, plug off the cables so it can cool down. Take out all the cables that demand more power and generate heat. This will reduce the overall temperature of the motherboard. Moreover, you can place the system at a place with enough airflow.

This will help keep the motherboard cool as it will have enough ventilation. A blower can also promote airflow and keep all the components clean. To prevent the motherboard from overheating, cleaning it every two to three months is advised. This can save you from great damage if different components heat the motherboard.

Component Installation

The improper installation of computer’s components can cause common problems in the motherboard. Most of these components, such as graphical processing units, video cards, RAM, etc., have specific locations on the motherboards. If you place any of these components improperly, the computer’s screen might appear black, or the system might not get on.

You should double-check the slots that have all these components fixed in them. Please make sure they fit in properly so the motherboard can function. Putting the components in the wrong spaces can result in great damage. You can secure these components on each side with the help of wings. Hence be careful when you deal with motherboards.


A brief article describing the common motherboard problems is given above for your help. The information will help you identify the problems and find solutions for them. Some of the common problems mentioned above will give you an idea if you aren’t an expert in electronic repair. You can replace the components or double-check them to avoid situations that cause problems. I hope the details given above have increased your knowledge of the motherboards.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common problems in motherboards?

The most common problem in the motherboard is dealing with power surges. This can damage the system completely to the point you have to get everything replaced. It is advised to be careful when dealing with the motherboards of your computer system.

How do I know if my motherboard is faulty?

To identify the fault or problems in your motherboard, look at the screen of your computer. If it appears to be blank or dead, your motherboard is considered to be faulty. Even if you see the green light after plugging in the cable, the system will be considered dead.

Can the motherboard be repaired?

Yes, your motherboard can be repaired or replaced like other computer hardware. The entire motherboard or the components present on it can be replaced easily.

What is the lifespan of a motherboard?

A motherboard can work fine for a decade or even more. As long as the motherboard’s hardware is available, you can keep using it.

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